Test modeThe value set here is returned to other apps through a content provider. It can be used to disable analytics during automated testing. Since Android 11 apps can lose visibility of this content provider after some time or a reboot, so launch this app immediately before running any tests to make sure the permissions are freshly granted. Sample integrationcontent://com.sengami.appium_test_helper_android.provider/ToastsWill show a toast with text "This is a sample text" when the command below is used through ADB.adb shell am broadcast -a com.sengami.appium_test_helper_android.toast --es message "This is a sample text" -n com.sengami.appium_test_helper_android/.ToastBroadcastReceiverVibrationsWill vibrate the device for 2 seconds when the command below is used through ADB.adb shell am broadcast -a com.sengami.appium_test_helper_android.vibration --el duration 2000 -n com.sengami.appium_test_helper_android/.VibrationBroadcastReceiver